WINDY! photo story
Tags: bikeclothes, bikefashion, bikeporn, bikeroad, bikeselfie, bikewear, bmc, carreraworld, ciuchy na rower, cyclefashion, cycling, cyclingwear, duperanaszosie, duperynaszosie, fashiononbike, ginger, girlbike, girlonbike, girlsonbikes, girlsride, girocycling, kochamroweroweszmaty, księżniczkanaszosie, moda na rower, moda na rowerze, moda rowerowa, odzież na rower, polishgirl, principessaonthebike, rapha, roadbike, rower szosowy, weridewarsaw, womenonwheels
After following your Instagram account (my account is cyclo_teamgs), i wanted to read your blog but it’s written in Polish and i don’t understand LOL
You’ve a very nice style on bike.
I’ll come again… to see your beautiful photos
Glad You like It!!!!
Good for you there are not so many posts with text – it’s mainly photoblog but sometimes I am writing here in polish cause there is lack of fashion-cycling-oriented reading. Still not many people pay attention to cycling wear and bike fashion – so I would like to introduce some brands and my ideas for fashion on bike.
Will think about translate some of my posts :>