Solo ride photo story 19 marca 2015 In SIMPLE RIDETags: bikeclothes, bikefashion, bikeporn, bikeroad, bikeselfie, bikewear, bmc, ciuchy na rower, cyclefashion, cycling, cyclingwear, duperanaszosie, duperynaszosie, fashiononbike, ginger, girlbike, girlonbike, girlsonbikes, girlsride, kochamroweroweszmaty, księżniczkanaszosie, moda na rower, moda na rowerze, moda rowerowa, odzież na rower, polishgirl, principessaonthebike, roadbike, rower szosowy, weridewarsaw, womenonwheels by Principessaonthebike 0 Comments Into the sun – solo ride! Look of the ride: Sunglasses – N-Force – Carrera Helmet – Giro Amaro – Giro Cap – Cinelli Merino Jersey – Cafe du Cycliste principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike principessa on the bike Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related Post navigation PrevNext Submit a comment Anuluj pisanie odpowiedziTwój adres e-mail nie zostanie opublikowany. Wymagane pola są oznaczone *Komentarz Nazwa * Email * Witryna internetowa Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.